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  • Reach over 250 million candidates.




Starting price

From $199.00 /post.

Free offer


Bulk discounts

Searchable resume database

Employer dashboard


Customer support

Phone and email.


JobsInCT.com is part of a nationwide network of job portals and provides a targeted reach in Connecticut. The platform offers a range of useful hiring tools and features, including a searchable resume database; a variety of posting plans and add-on features for enhancing job ads; a user-friendly online dashboard; and job post statistics.

While the platform has a lower starting price compared to other regional sites, such as CTJobs.com and ConnecticutJobNetwork.com, it is still a costly option when compared to the industry leader Indeed. However, its local focus and feature-rich profile still make it an attractive option for local hiring.


  • A range of posting plans are available, including discounted bulk plans.
  • All plans are available as a subscription or one-time purchase.
  • Job ads can be enhanced with a wide array of add-ons for increased visibility and exposure.
  • The site features a searchable resume database and advanced filtering tools.
  • Employers can create a company profile and a customized jobs widget.
  • A user-friendly dashboard makes it easy to manage and monitor job posts and applications.
  • Employer accounts include access to job and application statistics.
  • The platform is mobile-friendly.


  • There is no free posting plan or trial period.
  • The platform lacks some advanced features, such as AI-powered candidate matching and candidate assessment tools.


We were unable to find any online reviews of JobsInCT.com.




1 Job Slot, 30 Days


5 Job Slots, 30 Days


10 Job Slots, 30 Days


Boldface Job


Featured Company


Featured Job


Highlight and Boldface Job


Highlight Job




Priority Job


*JobsInCT.com also offers 25, 50, and 100 job slot packages, and users can choose between 30-day, 90-day, and 1-year job slot durations. All plans are available as one-time purchases or on a subscription basis.

How to Post a Job on JobsInCT.com:

$199.00 USD
10 Minutes
How to Post a Job on JobsInCT.com:

Six easy steps for posting a job on JobsInCT.com.


Posting a job on JobsInCT.com.


Go to the home page.

Go to the home page.

Navigate to the JobsInCT.com website.


Create an account.

Create an account.

Click on the "REGISTER NOW" button toward the right side of the page and follow the prompts to create your employer account.


Select a plan.

Select a plan.

Scroll down to the "JOB TOOLS" section on your account dashboard, click on "PURCHASE PACKAGES," and select a plan from the drop-down menu in the "Jobs Slots" section. You can also select additional features and job post enhancements on this page.

All plans are available as one-time purchases or subscriptions. You will have to uncheck the auto-renew option if you only want to make a one-time purchase.


Pay for your package.

Pay for your package.

Complete your billing and payment information toward the bottom of the page, and click on "CONFIRM PURCHASE" to make the payment.


Create your job post.

Create your job post.

Once you've purchased a posting plan, you can create your job post. Click on your username toward the top-right corner of the page and select "My Jobs" in the drop-down menu.

Click on the "ADD JOB" button toward the right side of the page.

Add your company information to the online form, and click on "NEXT."

Add a job description, and click on "NEXT."

Add job details, such as the job location, category, start date, and more. Then, click on "NEXT."

If you purchased any additional features or job post enhancements, you can select them in this step, and then click on "NEXT" to proceed.

Specify an application delivery method, and click on "NEXT."


Review and publish your job post.

Review and publish your job post.

Carefully review your job ad for accuracy. When you're ready to post your ad, click on "CREATE + ACTIVATE JOB" toward the bottom of the page.

JobsInCT.com vs. CTJobs.com:

CTJobs.com is costlier than JobsInCT.com. While the former is a joint initiative of popular local news publications in Connecticut, the latter is part of a national network of regional sites. Both platforms offer a searchable resume database, but JobsInCT.com provides more add-on options.

JobsInCT.com vs. ConnecticutJobNetwork.com:

JobsInCT.com has a lower starting price than ConnecticutJobNetwork.com and offers a wider range of posting plans and add-ons. Both sites feature a searchable resume database and offer company profiles. However, unlike JobsInCT.com, job postings on ConnecticutJobNetwork.com include social media integration.

JobsInCT.com vs. Indeed:

While Indeed is not as targeted as JobsInCT.com, it offers far greater reach. Indeed is also more affordable than JobsInCT.com, providing a free posting option as well as sponsored postings that allow for better budget control. Indeed also outshines JobsInCT.com when it comes to functional capabilities.

Key Information

Legal Name

JobsInTheUS, Inc.


Colleen Strickler

Founding Date

Jan 01, 1999


190 Riverside St., Portland, ME 04103

Number of Employees



[email protected]


1 (877) 374-1088




What is JobsInCT.com?

JobsInCT.com is a regional job portal that covers the state of Connecticut. The platform features a variety of posting plans, including a selection of job ad enhancements and resume access.

What does it cost to post a job on JobsInCT.com?

JobsInCT.com's pricing starts at $199.00 for a single, 30-day job slot. Users can choose between a one-time purchase and an auto-renewal option. There are also 90-day and 1-year job slots available, as well as bulk purchase options, resume access plans, and job post enhancements.

How do I create an account on JobsInCT.com?

  1. Go to the JobsInCT.com website.
  2. Click on "Log In" toward the top-right corner of the page.
  3. Select "Register As Employer" beneath the "SIGN IN" button.
  4. Complete and submit the online forms.

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